斯坦福专用课程 UE4 & C++++ 专业游戏开发教程 24.5小时 中文字幕
Lecture 1 - lntroduction & Setup
Lecture 2 - Project Start & Version C++ontrol
Lecture 3 - Gameplay, Collision, and Physics
Lecture 4 - Interfaces & Collision Queries
Lecture 5 - Blueprints 101
Lecture 6 - Debugging Tools
Lecture 7 - UMG & (Player)Attributes
Lecture 8 - (Dynamic) Materials for Gameplay
Lecture 9 - Audio,Animation, UI
Lecture 10 - Basic Al & Behavior Trees
Lecture 11 - Intermediate Al with Custom Tasks & EQs
Lecture 12 - More Al, Environment Query Spawn Logic
Lecture 13 - Finalizing Al, Extending the Framework
Lecture 14 - UMG With C++ & More Framework Extensions
Lecture 15 - Console Variables,GameMode Rules
Lecture 16 - Writing our own_Gameplay Ability System_ alternative
Lecture 17 - GameplayTags
Lecture 18- Creating _Buffs_, World Interaction
Lecture 19- Multiplayer 1"Network Replication"
Lecture 20 - Multiplayer 2
Lecture 21 - Multiplayer 3
Lecture 22- Finishing up Multiplayer
Lecture 23 -Serializing Game & Player Progression
Lecture 24 - Building Menus in UMG
Lecture 25 - UMG & Styling Widgets
Lecture 26-Animation Blueprints & Ul lmprovements
Lecture 27 -Data Assets,Data Tables,Async Loading (Asset Manager)
Lecture 28- Packaging,Performance,Polish
Lecture 29 - Wrapping up
Lecture 30 - Additional Features
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